domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2009

Primer Encuentro: Ejercicio de Escritura - Some Things About Me - Pasto/Armenia

In the following text you will find general facts about any person. The idea is to complete it according to your own personal information. (El siguiente texto encontrarás hechos acerca de cualquier persona. La idea es completarla de acuerdo con tu propia información personal.)


PERSONAL INFORMATION: Hello, my name is_____________________________ and my last name is__________________. I am ____________ years old and my birthday is on ____________________________. I was born in (city or town) ___________________ and I live in__________________ (neighborhood/city/town) I live with (wife, husband, mother or by myself if you live alone) _______________________________________________________.

I have (I don’t have) ________ brothers and (or) _________sisters.

These are my physical characteristics: I’m (tall, fat, etc.) ______________________; I have (black eyes, brown hair) ________________________________________________.

MY WORK: I work in __________________. I like my job because ___________________________________________________

I live in a (house, apartment) with _____ bedrooms, __________________________________, _______________

During the week I wake up at__________________________, and then I have breakfast at _______________________. (Other activities I do during the day) ____________________________________________________

During my weekends I________________________________

MY LIKES: I like many things, for example, my favorite fruit is_____________. I love it because it is______________________. My favorite animal is_____________________; it is a special animal because it is __________________________________________. I love many colors but my favorite one is_________________________ and finally, I enjoy music a lot; my favorite music is_________________________ .

These are some things about me and, I like them!!!

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